Join the Lab

We are always looking for talented postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate volunteers interested in neuropsychology and cognitive training interventions. To inquire about available positions, please contact Dr. Twamley and attach your CV.

Dr. Twamley’s Mentorship Statement

Good mentorship is a two-way relationship that requires openness, honesty, respect, and commitment to achieve positive and enduring effects. As a mentor, I strive to be accessible, responsive, supportive, transparent, and collaborative. Every mentee gets my focused attention at least an hour a week, and I also hold a weekly meeting for all trainees. It is important to have candid discussions about mentees’ strengths, needs, and preferences in working toward their career goals. This way, we can align our scholarly activities to best support their ultimate goals. I am responsible for providing mentees with opportunities to lead their own work, while simultaneously providing the right amount of challenge, structure, encouragement, and support as they develop their independence. I also hope to demystify some of the unwritten rules of careers in clinical science. My lab reflects a team science environment. All mentees, regardless of their discipline or level of training, get a chance to work together as they develop their identities as scientists and as mentors themselves. Giving and receiving feedback are skills every scientist needs, so every few months, I like to ask my mentees what I can do to make their academic lives easier or more satisfying, in hopes that if I elicit feedback regularly, they’ll become more comfortable giving feedback and asking for feedback themselves. My ultimate goal is to have the mentorship relationship be as rewarding for my mentees as it is for me. I have completed training on effective mentoring provided by the UCSD Health Sciences Faculty Mentorship Training Program. I am available to serve as a career mentor, co-mentor, and/or research mentor.